I am Lam Kwok Yam, my parents hope that I will become the richest man in China.
Video installation
Dimensions variable
The work explores how individuals understand and respond to social relationships and political identity. Having lived in China and Hong Kong in my upbringing, with the establishment of different values, I slowly realized that it is difficult for me to have a sense of belonging to a country or a place. The history and the collective experience of a country are often condensed into certain national symbols. I have noticed that some everyday objects can evoke associations and imaginations with these symbols. Through the intervention of daily behavior, identity and political ideologies are projected on these items, showing the unutterable identity anxieties.
作品探討個體如何理解及回應社會關係和政治身分。隨著自身價值觀的確立,我慢慢意識到自己很難對一個國家和地方產生歸屬感。 國族符號濃縮了一個國家的歷史和集體經驗。某些物品與國族符號有著緊密的聯想空間和對應關係,我對著它們吹氣,嘗試利用這種行為投射自身的身份和政治意識形態。展現難以用話語言詮的身分焦慮。